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We hope your visit will help you understand the opportunities and potential rewards that are available when you take a proactive approach to your personal financial situation. We have created this Web site to help you gain a better understanding of the financial concepts behind insurance, investing, retirement, estate planning strategies, and wealth preservation strategies. Most important, we hope you see the value of working with skilled professionals to pursue your financial goals.
We're here to help educate you about the basic concepts of financial management; to help you learn more about who we are; and to give you fast, easy access to market performance data. We hope you take advantage of this resource and visit us often. Be sure to add our site to your list of "favorites" in your Internet browser. We frequently update our information, and we wouldn't want you to miss any developments in the area of personal finance.

Retirement Savings in a Volatile Market
Emotional reactions can be an enemy of sound investing. This article offers perspective and strategies that may help investors stay the course.
Famous People Who Died Without Proper Planning
Think celebrities are way ahead of the curve when it comes to planning their estates? Many have died with no or inadequate estate plans.
How Funding an HSA Could Help Strengthen Your Retirement Strategy
Discover how a well-managed health savings account can help you pay current and future medical bills as well as prepare for retirement.
Cheaper Hearing Aids Are Coming to a Store Near You
Thanks to a recent regulatory shift, it’s now possible to buy an effective hearing aid without a medical exam or a prescription, potentially for a lot less money.
Lease Payment
How much would your monthly lease payment be?
Credit Card Debt
How Long Will It Take to Pay my Balance?
Tax-Deferred Savings
Compare the potential future value of tax-deferred investments to that of taxable investments.
Loan Payoff
How much will it cost to pay off a loan over its lifetime?